
Cheap Moultrie Feeders - Feeder Kits Shop

Moultrie Feeders - Feeder Kits Overview

The new Pro Hunter kit includes an upgraded timer that gives you the ability to schedule 6 different feed times a day. Also includes metal spin plate & funnel. Schedule up to 6 different feed times a day. New up-to-the-minute timer lets you precisely program feed times. Customize feed amounts with variable feed settings (1-20 seconds run time). Metal spin plate and funnel protects against varmints. Throws feed in a 40-ft diameter circle. ABS plastic housing is durable and user friendly. All hardware is included that is needed to complete your feeder. Operates on one 6-volt battery (battery not included).

Moultrie Feeders - Feeder Kits Specification

  • Includes an upgraded timer that gives you the ability to schedule 6 different feed times a day. Also includes metal spin plate & funnel
  • New up-to-the-minute timer lets you precisely program feed times. Customize feed amounts with variable feed settings (1-20 seconds run time)
  • Metal spin plate and funnel protects against varmints. Throws feed in a 40-ft diameter circle
  • ABS plastic housing is durable and user friendly. All hardware is included that is needed to complete your feeder
  • Operates on one 6-volt battery (battery not included).

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